Home :: Field Hockey :: 2v1 Progressions: The Building Blocks of Team Attack DVDs

2v1 Progressions: The Building Blocks of Team Attack DVDs

2v1 Progressions: The Building Blocks of Team Attack DVDs
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Coach Lamb offers a highly detailed explanation of the responsibilities of both the ball carrier and the off-ball player. She shares skills and theory that will enable offensive players to effectively exploit the 2v1 game. Beginning with basic concepts and progressing through detailed offensive strategies, your players will quickly develop into an efficient and purposed offensive team. At the heart of being able to master the 2v1 game are these three essential ball-carrier skills:

1.Know your defender's position and intentions
2.Know your teammates' position
3.Identify the "dangerous space" that you and your teammate will use against the defense

The off-ball carrier has their own set of responsibilities. The importance of communication, vision, maintaining a presence in a passing lane as well as being positioned in the "dangerous space" are some of the core concepts of this 2v1 strategy. Considerable detail is provided so that all players will be able to develop their skills and understanding of field hockey, which will enable them to make better decisions and become a formidable offensive threat.

Coach Lamb begins every drill with the offensive player engaging the defender. The defender's reaction drives the decision of the offense. By forcing the defender to react to the ball carrier, the off-ball player exploits the weakness of the defender's inability to cover two offensive players. These same basic scenarios are presented from different field positions and from different angles of attack. Through these various presentations, Coach Lamb details a great deal of offensive direction and strategy. As she guides players through these drills, she constantly reinforces proper technique and challenges players to sharpen their awareness and react to the details the defender provides-details that are often overlooked by most offensive players

Most importantly, Coach Lamb shares a philosophy that players can apply to their on-field decision-making. This video will prove to be an invaluable tool to increase both players' and coaches' "Offensive Field Hockey IQ."
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