Home :: Volleyball :: Play Better Volleyball Blocking and Defense Download

Play Better Volleyball Blocking and Defense Download

Play Better Volleyball Blocking and Defense Download
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This download features Coach Santiago Restrepo and the University of Oklahoma volleyball team. This comprehensive program details advanced defensive fundamentals, tips and drills. Among the topics covered are: ball control drills, net drills, partner drills, the run through series, blocking drills and footwork drills. This action-packed program will provide coaches at any level with the tools needed to develop a dominating defense. 74 minutes. 2006.

About the Coach: Santiago Restrepo has achieved numerous honors as both a player and a coach. As a player, he was an NCAA Division I All-American and has played on the American Volleyball Players Pro Beach Tour. As a coach, he was an assistant at Saint Louis University, and has been the head coach at East Stroudsburg University, the University of Southern Mississippi, and the University of Oklahoma.

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