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Strength and Power Training for Lacrosse DVDs

Strength and Power Training for Lacrosse DVDs
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Coach Markovey's presentation is divided into three major parts: training the upper body, lower body and core muscle groups. Starting slow and with reduced weight and resistance, careful attention is paid to building the correct technique.

Lower Body:
The focus of this segment is a series of squats and vertical jumps, hang clears and RDLs (Romanian Dead Lifts) to strengthen knees and quadriceps. Attention is also given to proper posture of the posterior chain (lower back, knees and buttocks) to maximize strength and explosiveness of moves while taking stress off of the toes and knees.

Upper Body:
This segment focuses on strengthening the rotator cuff and arms using bench presses, dynamic pushups and rotating pushups and exercises to build grip.

The core body segment focuses on strengthening the stomach, obliques and lower back using a large stability ball to hover and roll, foot swings and a variety of sit ups. Core fitness training reduces the risk of injury while the discipline of correct footwork develops explosive movement.

Coach Markovcy shares several familiar muscle-building exercises that he combines with additional movements to specifically benefit the lacrosse athlete. Through this detailed instruction, players develop explosive energy and increase their endurance levels. Most importantly, Markovcy's method for resistance training not only improves athletic performance, it also reduces injury.

In addition to providing a solid, easy-to-duplicate strength training program, Coach Markovcy shares the rationale and detailed physiology that support the importance of these exercises. His in-depth discussions will help players understand the importance of strength training. Coach Markovcy gives players a base that they can use to develop a program that is challenging, safe and effective.

This is a well-designed weight room training program specifically for lacrosse players that will impact strength, speed and mobility while minimizing muscle and knee injuries during the season.
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