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Youth Football 3 Video Download Set - Free Shipping

Youth Football 3 Video Download Set  - Free Shipping
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Youth Football Video Set

Youth Football Skills and Drills

Coach Vern Friedli presents a comprehensive program designed to benefit anyone involved in youth football. The program is designed to develop the essential fundamentals that young players need to be successful. Among the topics covered are: stances, important techniques required to play various positions, pass patterns, blocking, tackling, and numerous drills at every position. The Special Features section covers special teams skills and drills, a speed and endurance workout, and additional tips for coaches, parents and players. 77 minutes.

Youth Football Offenses and Defenses

Coach Vern Friedli presents a base offense and defense that can be easily taught and executed. The formations and plays are demonstrated both on the field and detailed on the chalkboard. The first segment covers the basics of the Solo Offense. Numerous plays are presented that can be adapted to any defense or situation. The next segment covers the Base 52 Defense. Coach Friedli explains the position fundamentals, various moves and stunts and how to disguise the defense. This comprehensive program offers a wealth of winning strategies that will help coaches to build a championship-caliber football team. 73 minutes.

About the Coach: Vern Friedli has been a high school football coach for over 40 years. Currently, he is the head football coach at Amphitheater High School in Tucson, AZ. He is one of the few coaches in the United States who has won over 300 games in his career. He has led Amphi to the State Playoffs 25 times in the past 30 years, with one State Championship and 4 State Finals. Several of his players have played football at the college and professional levels.

Fundamentals of Youth Football

This comprehensive video featuring Coach Jeff Scurran, provides detailed step-by-step instruction of the most vital offensive and defensive fundamentals. Each skill is clearly broken down, demonstrated, and applied in a variety of drills. This program is an invaluable resource for any coach, parent, or child participating in youth football. 45 minutes.

About the Coach: Jeff Scurran has coached high school and college football for over 30 years, winning well over 200 games. His Sabino High School team in Tucson, AZ recorded a state coaching record for Scurran by winning 116 games in 10 seasons and going to the state championship game five times. He is currently the head coach at Santa Rita High School in Tucson, AZ.

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