Home :: Basketball :: Basketball Skills and Drills Vol. 2 featuring Coach Cliff Ellis (Download)

Basketball Skills and Drills Vol. 2 featuring Coach Cliff Ellis (Download)

Basketball Skills and Drills Vol. 2 featuring Coach Cliff Ellis (Download)
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Learn and practice with Coach Cliff Ellis, one of the top basketball coaches in the history of the game. Packed with numerous skills and drills and coaching tips, this program is one of the most comprehensive basketball instructional videos available. Among the topics covered in Vol. 2 are: Individual Defensive Drills, Help Side Defensive Drills, Pick and Roll Defensive Drills, Getting Through Screens, How to Defend the Cutter, Inside Defense, Defending Double Screens, Rebounding Drills, Shell Drills (Team Defense) and Shooting Free Throws: This program is an invaluable resource to help you become a better player or coach.

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