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Building a 1-3-2 Motion Offense DVDs

Building a 1-3-2 Motion Offense DVDs
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Disc 1: Key Principles & Drills:

Building from Up Top in 1-3-2

Coach Keating covers the following options of building the 1-3-2 offense from the top: throwing forward, reversing the ball and turning the corner. Beginning with a split dodge into a step away from an oncoming slide, Coach Keating incorporates supporting players and off-ball motion that help teammates understand how to play off each other's movements. An initial "throw forward" to an X attackman becomes supplemented with a crease J-cut, then a rollback and throwback to a following midfielder. Finally, a secondary dodge by the X attackman occurs as the players above the goal continue their motion patterns.

Building from Behind the Goal in 1-3-2

With the 1-3-2 principles in place, Coach Keating translates them to off-ball team play during a dodge from behind the goal. Motion, cutting down the pipeline, and looking for the three midfielders from below goal-line extended are covered. Using drills and motions, off-ball attackmen are taught how and where to clear through and follow. Midfielder play is added to the mix in the form of the aggressive "money cut" for a goal, as well as a rotation of players that create multiple threats for scoring feeds or ball transfers.

Implementing the Offense

After reviewing the part-whole building of the 1-3-2 offense, Coach Keating runs through how to practice it as a settled offensive unit, building up to a full six-player offensive skeleton that completes the drill cycle.

Coach Keating finishes the disc by reviewing game film from the 2014 and 2015 seasons, showing where the principles were followed and missed in the St Joseph's offense.

Disc 2: Fundamental Shooting Drills for a 1-3-2 Motion Offense

Level up your team shooting drills with this practice package that emulates not only the shots generated by a 1-3-2 motion offense, but the cuts, dodges and feeds necessary to create them.

To teach the shooting drills, Coach Keating introduces the key points for shooting, such as entire body movements, hand placement, core strength, and economy of movement. He then takes these strategies and applies them to two warm-up shooting drills:

1.The Kamikaze Drill: emphasizes the split dodge. Coach Keating points out the need to vary speed and direction while keeping your head and eyes up.
2.The 2 Cage Shooting Drill: allows players to focus on their overhand shooting to build the proper fundamentals in shooting over the first cage and down into a second cage.
Shooting from Up Top in 1-3-2

Coach Keating builds up the options and principles involved with attacking from up top by drawing on the whiteboard and then using live-field demonstrations with players to show the drills in action.

J-Cut Shooting Drill: provides the basics of initiating a dodge and stepping out and hitting a player making a J-Cut on the crease.
The Dodge to Follow Shooting Drill: follows a dodger down the alley, rolling away and passing to their teammate following the dodge down the crease.
Follow to Fade Shooting Drill: a progression of the offense in the Dodge to Follow drill that hits the fade man off the crease for a shot.
Wing Dodge to Crease Pop Shooting Drill, which provides recognition of the defensive slide from the crease on the wing and a rollback pass to the crease man popping open for a shot.
Shooting from Behind the Goal in 1-3-2

You'll learn shooting drills initiated from behind the goal as parts of the 1-3-2 motion offense. Coach Keating begins with a whiteboard discussion and progresses to video of players executing the shooting drills:

1.Ball Reversal To Turn the Corner Shooting Drill: begins with a dodge down the alley pass to X, and then dodging around the crease and shooting over a second goal.
2.Step Down Shooting: picks up with a dodge from X stepping out and passing to a follow pass at the top for a shot.
Coach Keating puts your shooting drills on double-duty, simultaneously teaching the offensive fundamentals your players need to generate their scoring opportunities in addition to how to finish them off in the net.
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